Garbage Disposal: Dos and Don’ts

In the realm of modern kitchen conveniences, the garbage disposal holds a significant place. It efficiently grinds up food scraps, making clean-up easier and reducing the amount of waste sent to landfills. However, like any appliance, it requires proper care and attention to ensure it operates smoothly and lasts a long time. In this guide, we’ll explore the dos and don’ts of using a garbage disposal to help you maximize its efficiency and longevity.


1. Do Use Cold Water: Always run cold water when using the garbage disposal. Cold water helps solidify any grease or oil in the disposal, making it easier for the blades to chop them up. Additionally, cold water helps prevent the motor from overheating.

2. Do Use in Moderation: While garbage disposals are convenient, they’re not meant to handle large quantities of food waste at once. Use the disposal in moderation and avoid dumping large amounts of food down the drain all at once.

3. Do Grind Citrus Peels: Grinding citrus peels like lemon or orange rinds can help freshen up the disposal and eliminate unpleasant odors. The natural oils in citrus fruits help clean the blades and leave behind a refreshing scent.

4. Do Use Small Pieces: Cut food scraps into small pieces before putting them down the disposal. This reduces the strain on the blades and prevents clogs from occurring.

5. Do Clean Regularly: Clean your garbage disposal regularly to prevent buildup and odors. You can use a mixture of baking soda and vinegar or specially formulated disposal cleaning products to keep it fresh and clean.


1. Don’t Pour Grease or Oil Down the Drain: Grease and oil can solidify in the disposal and clog the drain over time. Dispose of grease and oil properly by pouring them into a container and throwing them in the trash.

2. Don’t Put Non-Food Items Down the Disposal: Garbage disposals are designed to grind up food scraps only. Avoid putting non-food items like plastic, metal, glass, or paper down the disposal, as they can damage the blades and cause serious malfunctions.

3. Don’t Use Hot Water: While cold water is beneficial for the disposal, hot water can melt fats and oils, causing them to accumulate in the drain and lead to clogs.

4. Don’t Overload the Disposal: Avoid overloading the disposal with large quantities of food scraps. Trying to grind too much at once can overwhelm the motor and lead to jams or damage.

5. Don’t Ignore Strange Sounds or Smells: If you notice unusual sounds or odors coming from your garbage disposal, it’s essential to address them promptly. Strange noises could indicate a mechanical issue, while unpleasant odors may signal a buildup of food debris.

By following these dos and don’ts, you can ensure that your garbage disposal remains a valuable asset in your kitchen for years to come. With proper care and attention, you can keep your disposal running smoothly and efficiently, contributing to a cleaner and more sustainable home environment. Remember, a little maintenance goes a long way in preserving the functionality of your kitchen appliances.

What if my Garbage Disposal isn’t working:

When faced with a non-working garbage disposal, there are a few simple fixes you can try before calling in a professional. First, check if the disposal is receiving power by pressing the reset button located at the bottom of the unit or checking the circuit breaker. If the disposal still doesn’t turn on, ensure it’s not jammed by using an Allen wrench to manually rotate the grinding mechanism. If there’s still no luck, inspect the disposal for any visible blockages or foreign objects and remove them carefully. Finally, if none of these steps work, it might be time to seek assistance from a qualified plumber or technician to diagnose and fix the issue.